原南车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司研制的Cinova平台CRH6系列动车组诞生于2012年,是为满足中国区域经济快速发展和城市群崛起对城际轨道交通的需求而研制的一种新型轨道交通装备,填补了中国轨道交通客运装备领域的一项空白。它继承了“和谐号”系列高速动车组成熟、安全、舒适和可靠等优点,既能高速持续运行,可满足与常规铁路与高速铁路互联互通,主要用于中短途城际、市域运输,以公交化的运营模式,又够满足快起快停、快速乘降、大载客量传统地铁优点,起到衔接高铁和城轨的纽带作用,有效完善我国轨道交通层次架构。CRH6系列共分为时速200、160、140 km/h三个速度等级,其中时速200 km/h的CRH6A是我国首个城际动车组Cinova技术平台上诞生的首个产品;而时速160 km/h的CRH6F在CRH6A的基础上设计出更加偏向“欧系”而非“日系”的时速160公里城际动车组;时速140 km/h的CRH6S则是一款双供电制式(AC25kV、DC1500V)的面向城际、市域铁路与城市轨道交通跨线运营的车型,后由于系列调整,取消CRH6S的命名。CRH6A、6F的样车早期版本与后期量产版本的外观有些许的区别。随后4辆编组的CRH6F-A、CRH6A-A面世,使CRH6系列产品更加丰富,CRH6系列可深度定制化,无论是坐席、涂装均可定制,随着全国各个城市群的发展,CRH6系列动车组已经在多个城市投入使用,尤其是4辆编组的CRH6系列的问世,以较低的成本降低了市域铁路的门槛,推进了市域铁路的发展。依托这一平台还衍生出城市轨道交通产品。2019年后,新一代CRH6系列对标复兴号智能动车组,采用全新智能设计,更舒适、更安全。
CRH6A EMU Train was born in November 2012, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 201.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .
CRH6F EMU Train was born in June 2013, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 201.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .
CRH6A (Three doors in one compartment) EMU Train was born in December 2015, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 201.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .
CRH6A-A EMU Train was born in September 2017, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 2M2T in marshalling, the hole length is 101.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .
CRH6F-A EMU Train was born in September 2017, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 2M2T in marshalling, the hole length is 101.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, and 200 km/h in the experiment .
CRH6A (Premier Edition) EMU Train was born in January 2018, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 201.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .
Intelligent CRH6A-A EMU Train was born in November 2021, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 2M2T in marshalling, the hole length is 100.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .
Intelligent CRH6F-A EMU Train was born in November 2021, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 2M2T in marshalling, the hole length is 100.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, and 200 km/h in the experiment .
Intelligent CRH6A EMU Train was born in May 2022, belongs to the Cinova/CRH6 series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 200.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .