CR400BF系列是“中国标准”动车组首批成员之一,由中车长客牵头研发,外观主要由澳大利亚Industrial Design Alliance(IDA)公司设计,2014年9月方案设计完成,2015年6月30日首组样车下线,2016年08月15日首次载客运行,2017年01月03日正式命名为CRB00AF,2017年06月25日正式命名为“复兴号”。复兴号带来了很多显著改变,首先是操作界面统一,不同型号复兴号动车组操作界面基本一致,降低学习成本,无需反复培训与学习,减轻劳动强度,其次,配件标准统一,不同厂家的配件可相互通用,大幅度降低运用成本。另外,还可以自由重联,复兴号动车组不仅支持不同型号、不同厂家生产的列车重联,还可以实现任意方向重联(CRH动车组大部分仅支持00车与01车重联),甚至还支持短编组与长编组重联及四组短编组重联运行和救援,可实现相互控制。更加适合中国铁路实际情况的理念,加上大量免维护和易维护的设计和自动化检修手段,极大便利的检修维护,延长检修周期。截至2023年11月,本系列共生产320组。不过由于立项较早,仍使用较为传统的TCN网络。
CR400BF (Engineering samples) EMU Train was born in May 2015, belongs to the CR400BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 208.1 m, has a maximum design speed of 350 km/h, and 431 km/h in the experiment .
CR400BF EMU Train was born in June 2017, belongs to the CR400BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 209.06 m, has a maximum design speed of 350 km/h, and 385 km/h in the experiment .
CR400BF-A EMU Train was born in December 2017, belongs to the CR400BF series, 8M8T in marshalling, the hole length is 414.26 m, has a maximum design speed of 350 km/h, and 385 km/h in the experiment .
CR400BF-B EMU Train was born in June 2018, belongs to the CR400BF series, 8M9T in marshalling, the hole length is 439.91 m, has a maximum design speed of 350 km/h, .
CR400BF-G EMU Train was born in May 2019, belongs to the CR400BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 209.06 m, has a maximum design speed of 350 km/h, .
CR400BF (Type II) EMU Train was born in Jult 2020, belongs to the CR400BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 212 m, has a maximum design speed of 400 km/h, .
CR400BF-G (Type II) EMU Train was born in October 2020, belongs to the CR400BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 211.06 m, has a maximum design speed of 400 km/h, .