CRH1型电力动车组是原中国铁道部为铁路第六次大提速中开行时速200公里列车于2004年起向庞巴迪运输和青岛四方庞巴迪铁路运输设备有限公司(BST)订购的电力动车组型号之一。该型动车组以原ABB戴姆勒-奔驰运输系统股份公司(Adtranz,总部设于德国,于2001年被庞巴迪运输收购)为瑞典国铁设计的Regina C2008型动车组为原型,针对中国实际情况改进,并全部由BSP在青岛的厂房组装生产。CRH1系列全部列车共计148组于2013年12月交付完毕。
CRH1A-200 EMU Train was born in Jult 2006, belongs to the CRH1 series, 5M3T in marshalling, the hole length is 213.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 220 km/h, and 245 km/h in the experiment .
CRH1B (Type I) EMU Train was born in March 2009, belongs to the CRH1 series, 10M6T in marshalling, the hole length is 426.3 m, has a maximum design speed of 250 km/h, and 275 km/h in the experiment .
CRH1A-250 EMU Train was born in September 2010, belongs to the CRH1 series, 5M3T in marshalling, the hole length is 213.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 250 km/h, and 285 km/h in the experiment .