CR300BF动车组由中车长客牵头,基于成熟的CR400BF系列设计研发的时速250 km/h动车组列车,同时还衍生出时速200 km/h的CRH3A-A系列和匈塞铁路动车组。相较于CR400,CR300在列车网络等方面具有较大幅度的升级。
CR300BF (Engineering samples) EMU Train was born in October 2018, belongs to the CR300BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 208.95 m, has a maximum design speed of 250 km/h, and 285 km/h in the experiment .
CR300BF EMU Train was born in Jult 2020, belongs to the CR300BF series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 208.95 m, has a maximum design speed of 250 km/h, .
CRH3A-A EMU Train was born in December 2021, belongs to the CRH3 series, 2M2T in marshalling, the hole length is 101.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, and 220 km/h in the experiment .
CCD2031(4 Cars) EMU Train was born in . 2023, belongs to the 中车长春城际动车组 series, 3M1T in marshalling, the hole length is 100.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .
SOKO EMU Train was born in April 2024, belongs to the CR300BF series, 2M2T in marshalling, the hole length is 104.48 m, has a maximum design speed of 200 km/h, .
CCD2031(8 Cars) EMU Train was born in . 2024, belongs to the 中车长春城际动车组 series, 4M4T in marshalling, the hole length is 200.5 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .