第二代CR200J与上一代相比有诸多改进。首先,车体断面改为鼔型,车厢宽度和坐席与CR300和CR400系列相同,由3105 mm加宽至3360 mm,坐席宽度也将大幅度加宽,车辆间距缩短到800mm,风挡改为对波橄榄型双层折棚风挡,提高车体气密性,拖车空调机组原有一车两台的改为一台,车厢高度仍保持4433 mm,是目前国内最“胖”的单层列车,另外,虽然车体宽度增加,但整体重量控制相较于第一代更优。座位数及布局与CR200J第一代保持不变,但坐席宽度有所增加,且乘客使用的充电插座由坐席下部改为与CR300/400系列相同的位置,即二等座插座位于座椅接缝处下方,一等座位于中央扶手。
CR200J1-B EMU Train was born in April 2020, belongs to the CR200J(2.0) series, 1M8T in marshalling, the hole length is 232.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .
CR200J2-B EMU Train was born in April 2020, belongs to the CR200J(2.0) series, 1M8T in marshalling, the hole length is 232.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .
CR200J3-B EMU Train was born in April 2020, belongs to the CR200J(2.0) series, 1M8T in marshalling, the hole length is 232.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .
CR200JS-G EMU Train was born in April 2021, belongs to the CR200J(2.0) series, 3M9T in marshalling, the hole length is 309 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, and 176 km/h in the experiment .
LCR200J3-B EMU Train was born in May 2021, belongs to the CR200J(2.0) series, 1M8T in marshalling, the hole length is 232.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .
CR200J3-B (Direct to Laos) EMU Train was born in October 2021, belongs to the CR200J(2.0) series, 1M8T in marshalling, the hole length is 232.4 m, has a maximum design speed of 160 km/h, .